Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Eternal Purpose of Hope (Day 20 - Hope Against Hope)

I read this quote earlier today and it got me to thinking about my blog post yesterday.  I believe in authenticity and living life out loud.  Sometimes it's risky to be truthful, but it is so helpful.  Not only for the person sharing truth, but for those on the receiving end.  When you pour out your story to others, the focus isn't on you.  Your focus becomes encouragement and transparency.  You are building others while dying to yourself.

I shared in yesterday's post how in the last eight years after the death of my daughter, Reese Madison I had lost hope.  I didn't understand why my baby girl had to die.  I begin to question God.  I begin to question His will for our lives.  We have always seen ourselves as parents and having a family of our own.

My husband and I aren't perfect by any means, but we strive to honor God and be faithful to Him. Although, I still don't have complete answers, I do know God is still faithful.  He has a purpose for everything and ultimately intends for every situation to work for our good, to our benefit.

This series on "Hope Against Hope" may make some uneasy or question why continue hoping in a God who allows bad things to happen.  I too didn't fully understand this.  However, I have come to realize hope is not contingent on the outcome or being able to manipulate things to go your way.

I still very much believe God is able to bless my husband and I with another child, but will hope be lost if He doesn't?  Hope is in God's plan for you, even if it is not your plan.  Hope is in Him, the One who loves us far more than we can ever imagine.  Hope is in His eternal purpose, to make us more like Him.

Jesus is our example in all things.  And He himself suffered.  We become like Him through suffering.

It is in our nature to want to live comfortably, to get everything our heart's desire, to feel as if we are somehow entitled because we are children of God.  The gospel is clear of the suffering Jesus endured for us, but yet we think we are exempt.

I didn't want anyone to read my post yesterday and think I am naive or not in touch with my own reality.  I am in touch with all I have experienced and so is He.  He doesn't enjoy us suffering.  In fact, I believe He weeps along with us, but He rejoices over the good it will do in us.

If you have suffered through anything, you can probably honestly say you are not the same person you once were.  It has changed you.  Forever.

Let's continue to press on through this process.  Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become restless and disturbed within me? Hope in God and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence. ~ Psalms 42:5

I'd love to hear from you!

This is Day 20 of a 31 day series of “Hope Against Hope”. To read all of the posts in this series, click here. To read what several other bloggers are writing for the month of October, click here


  1. Great post. I needed to hear 'Hope in God' today. Thanks!

    1. Thanks so much Robyn for reading. I'm glad this post is timely for you. This is always my prayer! Hoping in God is something I need to be reminded of almost daily.
