Welcome to The Heart Spa


Hey girlfriends! Perhaps the word spa alone exhilarates and stimulates your senses.  Maybe you've felt the pleasure of such an exquisite spa experience that left you wanting more.  It's likely you wanted to feel refreshed, alleviate stress, be pampered, escape to your happy place or simply have fun with girlfriends. Whatever your reason; I get it.  You are totally worth every penny spent to nurture your body, relax those tense muscles and get some me time alone guilt free.  Maybe you have only dreamt of this day where the ambiance is set for a luxurious, peaceful and serene getaway.  You too deserve this invigorating experience. Even if only in your dreams. 

The Heart Spa caters exclusively to your heart and soul. Wholeness and the well being of our hearts is a priceless indulgence!  Our hearts determine our life's path.  I am passionate about women protecting this precious member of our bodies which is precisely why I began this blog, The Heart Spa. 

Proverbs 4:23 encourages us to guard our hearts above all things for everything we do flows from it. I've been through some downright hard things that God has used to refine me.  This process is far from over. It's a daily yielding and surrendering of my will to His. When you encounter rough spots; you are gifted to understand firsthand how people who don't know God as their Father easily lose hope, become overwhelmed and want to give up.  Yet, these are the times He uses to make us beautiful, more like Him and into His image and likeness. 

The temptation can come easy for women to compare, to envy, to blame, to feel forgotten, to be mad at God and the list can go on and on.  How do I resist the temptation?  Heart checks.  I have to check myself through self-examination, prayer, the word of God and by opening myself to community.  To women.  I have to check my words, my thoughts and my motives for it all reflects my heart.  

Friends, I want to walk alongside you as we deal with matters of the heart.  Here, we can speak candidly. We can be real.  God knows your story.  He knows my story.  Every tear and heartache; He allowed it. He uses our stories to refine, to strengthen and to perfect us. I hope here you will encounter the love of Christ. Oh, He loves you so!  "God deserves to be first place in your life and you deserve the experience of putting Him there!" ~ Emma Kimberly

      Let's connect!  Leave a comment.  Send an email.  I want to hear from you! I write about my faith, my story, encouragement and lots of other things I love about being a woman. 

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